Course Descriptions
HUM 112 - Field Work in Human Services II
2 Credits
Student chooses this field work placement in accordance with his or her emerging career goals. Opportunities for taking increasing amounts of responsibility for agency clients. Planning with experienced agency supervisor to develop specific skills needed to function effectively as a member of the agency's helping service team. In conjunction with this course, the student must take and pass HUM 102 Basic Helping Skills. Open only to students in HUM 102.
Prerequisite: HUM 111 with a grade of C- or better.
MCC General Education: MCC-BCO - Speaking (MBCO), MCC-VE - Values and Ethics (MVE)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Identify the purposes, methods and problems of the agency in which the student is placed, and learn to work within the policies and procedures of that agency.
2. Describe the agency’s relationship to other community resources and programs.
3. Demonstrate acceptance of persons from different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, and to develop respect for varying values systems and lifestyles.
4. Demonstrate respect for the integrity and privacy of individuals and groups, and to treat as strictly confidential any personal information gained through professional contact.
5. Demonstrate professionalism in reporting to fieldwork on time, keeping appointments, preparing for supervisory conferences, planning and organizing work, meeting deadlines, and learn to accept constructive criticism as part of the learning process.
6. Demonstrate familiarity with the practical mechanics of the agency’s operation, e. g. the use of equipment, telephone, forms, files and reports.
7. Demonstrate the ability to observe, listen, hear, and report findings orally or in writing, all in an objective manner.
8. Demonstrate flexibility, adaptability, creativity, and tolerance for frustration.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025